Going from not knowing what kubernetes even was to setting up the entire infrastructure for logging and monitoring was awesome. (Also plan on taking the CKA certification exam really soon) Here are some of the things I've done up until nowSpin up lo...
Short Video Highlighted Floors with their IDs Connecting Floors merges them Path through a maze
HIghlights:Setup cert-manager to automatically manage certificates for httpsConfigured nginx to accept TCP/UDP input from game instancesTested it out using netcat, and everything works! Up Next:Setup appropriate kibana dashboardsEnhanved metric monitor...
Highlights:Connected logstash to elastic search on the cluster.Setup nginx controller as a reverse proxy to route trafficSetup routes to kibana and logstash
HighlightsGained a better understanding of kubernetes Tested and tried helm charts for Elastic Stack Next weekSet up Elastic SearchSet up KibanaSet up logstashSet up pipeline to stream logs
HighlightsImproved formatting of TutorialPathfinding's wikiAddition of Spawner and Target Blocks to TutorialPathfindingAddition of a ScreenLayer that allows setting of entity to spawnAddition of spawnEntity item that spawns entities at spawner blocks. ...
Higlights:This week saw the implementation of a citizen death system which deals with citizen deaths.I also added a Population Component to settlements that along with the citizen death and spawn system tracks the total population in a settlement.I als...
Highlights:Finally fixed the invalid paths issueStarted investigating the move along path node and move_to action for improvementsImplemented a stray behavior on receiving an invalid path.Implemented a CitizenDeathEvent, and Corresponding removal of C...
Highlights:This week was mostly filled with gaining a deeper understanding of the implementation details of Path-finding that is implemented. After finding out that even a simple form of path finding was not working, I changed focus into trying to figu...
This week was really slow because I had some school work to complete and assignments to submit. It also took me a while to get my workspace set up with intellij. Maybe it takes time to get the wheels rolling, so the weeks to come will definitely be muc...